24/7 A day in the life of a Valcon employee | Laura Steendijk

Our alarm goes off at 6:30, but only because my partner gets up that early. Unfortunately, this is also my alarm clock, as he likes to turn on all the lights. So, the first thing I do when I get up is feed our cat, Sky, who can be quite vocal when she’s hungry, and have a banana myself—I’m not at my best when I’m hungry. After this, I take a shower, get dressed, and make a cappuccino with regular milk (I’m not from the oat milk generation) to take with me in the car.

It usually takes me 45 minutes to get to the Valcon office in Utrecht, as I live north of Amsterdam. When I work from the office, I’m often not quick enough to book a desk, so I end up at the coffee corner. This is also where I see colleagues coming and going, which I enjoy. Plus, it’s convenient to be close to more coffee to keep me going throughout the day.

When working from home, I use my home office. This room is on the north side of the house, so it’s cold in winter, but also pleasantly cool in summer. It’s also strategically located next to the kitchen, which is ideal for quick snack breaks and, of course, more coffee!

I am currently working for a large Dutch energy provider, where I am the change lead. My team of five and I are implementing a new system to transform the way the HR department operates. This project is scheduled to finish at the end of the month, so I am actively looking for a new project to start in October.

My favourite way to spend a break is to enjoy a good lunch and go for a walk with my friendly colleagues. A recent achievement I’m proud of is completing a challenging project at this company with a new Valcon team, where everyone performed exceptionally well. I feel fortunate to work with such talented people—and we have more vacancies available, so do consider joining us!

When I get home, I feed my cat and then myself. I chat with my partner about our day, and we make dinner together. I say ‘we’, but I can’t take much credit—he usually does the cooking, which I appreciate. In the summer, we often spend time working in our garden and feeding our koi fish. On a typical winter evening, we enjoy watching ‘B&B vol liefde,’ a fantastic Dutch television show.

Aside from my love of food and coffee, I also have a passion for sparkling wine. I recently started organising champagne tastings at my home for 18 people, including colleagues, and I think I’ve found a new hobby.

To balance all this indulgence, I have signed up for a new gym, starting this week. I used to be quite sporty when I was younger, but as life got busier, I found less time for exercise. I’m hoping to stick with it this time around.

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