24/7 A day in the life | Stella Baughan on World Mental Health day

I’m usually woken up by my chocolate labrador waiting for any movement before pouncing on me for morning cuddles. She’s six years old and thinks she’s the size of a poodle, so it’s a rapid awakening when 36kg of joy jumps on the bed. First job is putting the kettle on, then making sure she’s fed, watered, and walked—only after that do I make myself a decaf tea with oat milk. I rarely eat breakfast unless there’s a full English on the menu! If I get hungry before lunch, I’ll have porridge or fruit and yogurt. By 8am, I’m checking the news, my inbox, and my schedule, logging on by 8:30am.

We had a garden office installed when we moved to Folkestone. My desk faces the garden, allowing sunlight to flood in, and I can open the doors for fresh sea air and the sound of birds. In summer, the smell of freshly cut grass is one of the best. This environment helps support my mental well-being throughout the day. I make sure to take regular breaks during the workday, including an hour for lunch away from my desk. Throughout the morning and afternoon, I take a coffee break, doing something other than work, like sitting in the garden. Watching Judge Judy at lunch helps clear my mind and switch off from work.

At the end of the workday, I lock the garden office, which is my way of separating work from home and protecting my mental health. I love spending time at the beach, which is just a short walk away, and whether it’s sunny or windy, I find it relaxing. Walking with the dog in nature is a simple but effective way to unwind and take care of my mental well-being. Getting out into the fresh air is calming, and when something is bothering me, my husband often suggests going for a walk, which helps clear my mind.

After finishing work for a client recently, I had a few months on the bench which allowed me to focus on other activities I’ve wanted to get involved with, but haven’t had the time. I have joined the Women in Technology Committee and am leading the planning of the WIT work experience to be held in February. I have also joined the mental health team and recently completed my mental health awareness training. Next up is joining a new account, which I am really looking forward to, especially as it is a new sector.

Recently, I was shortlisted for ‘UK Technology Manager of the Year’ at the Women in IT Summit & Awards Series. I’m often my own biggest critic, so being recognised for my work was humbling. It gave me a sense of accomplishment that I hadn’t felt in a long time – I am truly grateful to be able to work with the best people!

Making time for myself, spending time outdoors and getting involved in initiatives that matter to me have been key to supporting my mental health and well-being.

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