CFO Study 2023

By Nils Jönsson

The 2023 CFO Study shows increasing maturity within the finance function, with gaps within end-to-end adoption and unutilised digital potential.

Read the full CFO Study here.

This report aims to provide a concise overview for CFOs in the Nordic region, containing insights into the current finance function landscape and outlining key factors impacting their roles and responsibilities.

By examining recent trends and challenges, combined with the results from our recent CFO Survey, this report equips CFOs with the necessary information to navigate an environment under constant pressure and resource scarcity.

We have based our report on three dimensions:

  • Steering & Governance
  • Process efficiency
  • Digitalisation

Want to learn more? If you want to learn more about the survey or how Valcon can help your organisation, please email [email protected] or [email protected] and we’ll be in touch right away.

Mature woman working from home
