Valcon is an official participant in the United Nations (UN) Global Compact initiative. As a participant, we express our commitment to integrating and implementing the UN Global Compact and its ten principles into the strategy, culture and day-to-day operations of our company. We also commit to annually reporting on our progress in implementing the Ten Principles.
The UN Global Compact is a voluntary initiative that encourages businesses and organisations worldwide to adopt sustainable and socially responsible practices. It promotes ten principles in areas such as human rights, labour rights, environmental protection, and anti-corruption. With over 12,000 participants from over 160 countries, the UN Global Compact plays a crucial role in driving corporate sustainability and fostering collaboration between the private sector, civil society, and the United Nations to create a more inclusive and sustainable world.
As part of the commitment, Valcon will report on the progress of implementing the ten principles by filling in an annual communication on progress (CoP) questionnaire. The results of CoP will be publicly available on the UN Global Compact website. Each year, Valcon will identify areas for improvement based on the current progress of implementing the principles. The process involves collaboration with numerous sides of our business to understand and improve our operations and to become a more sustainable and socially responsible company.
Want to learn more? If you would like to learn more, please email [email protected] and we’ll be in touch right away.