Valcon is your Wislport partner across the UK and Europe.
Under the new EU Whistleblowing Directive published in December 2021, and now being passed in local EU laws, organisations are required to have whistleblowing systems in place. Whistleblowers will now be protected when speaking out to regulators or the media when internal channels are not in place or are ineffective which could cause significant reputational damage.

Get in touch
Oliver King

Whistleblowing programmes
Wislport are recognised experts in whistleblowing programmes and are regularly consulted by the EU on new laws and regulatory updates. They also leading lead work on the international standard for whistleblowing, ISO37002, which is based upon principles of Trust, Impartiality and Protection. They have supported clients across multiple sectors and industries and provide a unique end-to-end offering, covering all aspects of design, implementation, operations, compliance, governance, and optimisation.
Valcon are supporting Wislport to deliver packages which will enable organisations to:
• Understand and comply fully to the EU whistleblowing laws
• Understand what organisations need to do to comply simply and effectively
• Structure and ensure policies and procedures are in place to maintain compliance.
Triage solution
Valcon, in conjunction with Wislport, can conduct triage for clients where a concern has been raised. Triage is conducted by whistleblowing experts directly, ensuring a cost-effective, timely and defensible approach is taken. This service gives organisations’ total peace-of-mind and allows for EU Directive timelines, for the actioning of concerns, to be met safely. Offered as a package for organisations with or without gateway reporting systems. We will include the market-leading Integrity line solution where a reporting system doesn’t exist.
Comply to the EU Directive with Valcon and Wislport. The first 20 customers to register will receive a special offer of €1 for their first year subscription to access all modules. Ensure your organisation’s compliance with the support of our experts and take advantage of this limited-time offer. Use promo code Valcon and fill in the form below to join now, or reach out to [email protected]