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Service Type: Technology
How business architecture helps you navigate a tough economic backdrop
By Michael Downie – Senior Consultant
Although we aren’t in a recession yet – indicators are still pointing to an economic downturn – the macro economic environment, with the highest inflation in 15 years and climbing interest rates is a tough one for businesses to navigate. When times are difficult, organisations should be looking to tighten their business operations to stem unnecessary spend and ensure resources are maximised. Business architecture is a good place to start.
Blending nearshore and onshore: The best way to structure a digitalisation team
By Paul ten Haaf – Partner
There were few silver linings to the COVID-19 pandemic. But showing that remote working is possible was one of them. For companies who were unsure of nearshoring (the process of sending technology or business processes to a mid-distance location) or offshoring (the same to a long distance location), the pandemic demonstrated how having a multi-location workforce can work – and not just work, but work better than it did before. As a result, post pandemic, the blended, hybrid model has evolved, with people working from home and the office, and organisations operating teams across a mix of locations and working environments.
Insight into the 2023 strategy and growth plans
New Head of Technology in the UK
Maximising efficiency and savings in Northern Europe’s energy sector
The Consumer Duty
Relocating across Europe: Insights from two Valconeers
Incident management at a railway company for better service to employees and customers
We performed incident management at a railway company to be able to provide better service to employees and customers.
Valcon Promotes Over 150 People
By Geert van den Goor – Managing Partner